Beach Trip!!

IMG_0973IMG_1032IMG_103108F63EF0-3A47-4D54-A8B1-D1703D21C57CIMG_1130They were very excited to go, well, 2 of them at least. I was feeling sad that you were not going and opened the car door and there was a penny. I found 2 more randomly in parking lots as well as this seashell that reminds me of an angel’s wing. Nobody liked the water. Chandler got left out and was headed to a busy street. I did not know he could still move that fast. Thanks for looking out for him. I was able to chase him down and grab his collar before he went out onto the street. I think you WERE there with us! I have to remember that you can romp on the beach and play in the water anytime you like. Have felt a bit off these last few days. That is usually when your signs start popping up all over. I miss you Ty, even with the 3 other fur faces in the house. something tells me I always will!!