Happy Tri Day!

DSC_0054Daryl 3Happy Tri Day everyone! Thought I would send you all your daily dose of cuteness today! Top picture is My Ty Guy when he was small. I think that is how he feels at the bridge. Young, healthy and strong. I still miss him every day. Second picture is the picture on the shelter website of Daryl that stole my heart.  Yes, he looks a lot like TY, except that he is half the size. He also does not take everything in a huge gulp, I used to drop and run when I gave TY treats. I watched a video on tube the other day of a dog eating an ice cream cone, I had to laugh, I said that’s Ty!! He does not steal shoes, Lucy has taken over in that area and he likes my husband better than me. But he has helped my smile again. TY will always be a part of me. When I got home from taking Chandler to the vet yesterday, I reached down to pull my trunk latch to put his rugs back in my trunk, there perched on the handle was …..you got it, A PENNY! I feel like he is telling me, Mom, I really am OK! Happy Tri Day all! Love, Lori, Ty, Chandler , Lucy and Daryl