1,460 days!

It has been 1,460 days since I have seen your face, petted that soft spot between your eyes and sniffed the smell of your head. I still miss you terribly. You were a one of a kind. You kept us quite amused. I just wanted you to know that you were a good dog. You were faithful and loving. You were just precious. I was dreaming this morning that your shoe was being carried off your garden. Maybe you were making a visit? This year, I plan to add to your garden. I am thinking a Lab mini flag and some Daffodils. It has just been so Winter here still, I haven’t gotten outside much. The Daffodils ate blooming now and when I see them, I am always reminded of that last walk we took to pick them. I love you so very much Ty Guy and I will see you someday when it is my time. I will throw my arms around your neck and breathe in the smell of your fur! Mom❤️